Installing Dial-Up Networking
1) Go to START -- Settings -- Control Panel 2) Double Click on Add/Remove Programs3) Click on the Windows Setup Tab 4) The following screen should appear
5) Click on Communications once 6) Click on Details... and the following screen appears
7) Make sure the box in front of Dial-Up Networking is checked by clicking on it.8) Click OK9) If you are using the Windows 95 CD, Setup will prompt you to insert it in the drive (if the CD is already in the Drive or if the system files are stored on the hard disk, the installation will proceed automatically. If you installed from diskettes, you will be prompted for the appropriate Windows 95 Installation Diskette to insert and then continue.10) Windows will copy some files and update desktop Shortcuts. A Dial-Up Networking folder will appear under the Start Menu:Programs\Accessories\Dialup Networking.DID IT WORK??To confirm that Dial-Up Networking has been properly installed, click on your Start Menu and look for it. You should see the DUN folder under Accessories, as below:![]()