Windows 2000 Technical Support
ITP 9986 --Lenny Bailes (Tuesdays, 11/26-12/10; - 10am-5pm)
Day 2 Agenda
1. Review [15 min]
Enabling auditing of Active Directory Services
Setting up auditing of file and folder access2. Unattended Installation Exercise [30 min]
See labs_exercise handout, Exercise 3, p. 4-6.
Also read Unattend.doc in the Program Files\Support Tools directory.
Note that to skip entering the product key, you must manually enter it
in the Unattend.txt file under the [UserData] section:
ProductID Value: <string>
See HOW TO: Use Setup Manager to Create an Answer File in Windows 2000 for more information3. Hardware Profiles [30 min]
Enabling/Disabling Services and Devices Installing/configuring/troubleshooting
video display.4. Working with System Monitor and Performance Alerts [45 min]
1. The Performance Console MMC includes the System Monitor and Performance Logs
and Alerts snap-ins
System Monitor lets you measure performance of W2K components in real time.
- We will add counters for % CPU usage (under Processor) and Available MBytes (under Memory). Choose "Use This Computer" option.
- Notice that you can modify the presentation of graphic data for each counter by right-clicking and opening the Properties dialog box.
Click on the View Histogram and View Report icons to see the presentation of data in these formats.
- Click the Stop icon to freeze the display of performance data.
Open the System Monitor properties, go to the graph tab, Enter "My Performance" as a title for your report, enter 50% to 100% as a title for the vertical axis, enable both the vertical and horizontal grid, and change the scale of the vertical grid to read from a minimum of 50% to a maximum of 100%.
Look at the modified display, right-click in the graph window and save the display as "performance.htm." Open Performance.htm in Internet Explorer. Note that you can't title the horizontal axis with the basic Windows OS features. Its default is to measure performance in 1-second intervals.2. Now, let's create a counter log to measure performance over a specified interval of time.
Open the Performance Logs and Alerts snap-in, select Counter Logs, right-click and choose "New Log Settings,", title the log "My Computer" and add counters under Processor for "Network Interface" for "Bytes Received per Second" for your active network adapter. Under "Physical Disk" add a counter for "%disk time (total)." Click Close to see which counters you've added and note the default sample intervals.
Go to the Log Files tab and create a location called "C:\PerfLogs." Start numering at 1 and choose "Binary File" log type (why?). Go to the Scheduling Tab and choose the option to start and stop the log manually through the shortcut menu.Click OK to close the dialog. Now right-click in the right pane under counter logs to start the log.
Open "My Network Places" and copy the file "Superman.mpg" from the Instructor computer or from \\l2000\My Documents to your own My Documents folder.
Open Windows Media Player and begin playing the file. After about one or two minutes, close Windows Media Player, go to Performance Logs and Alerts and stop the logfile.
To view the performance statistics you've recorded, go to the System Monitor Snap-in, choose "View Logfile Data" and open the log you saved in the C:\PerfLogs folder. (You may need to add the counters for the logfile back into System Monitor to see the results.) Right-click to save this data as an HTML file.
How would you create your performance logs and counters to save information for an Excel spreadsheet?
3. Finally, let's create a system alert that will warn us when memory resources are low.
Go to the Alerts section of Performance Logs and Alerts. Right-click and choose "New Alert Settings." Title the alert "Memory" and add the "Available MBytes" counter under Memory on the General Tab. Set the alert to notify you when the available memory is under 130 MB. (A large threshhold, but sufficient for demonstration purposes to trigger an alerm.) Sample data every 5 seconds.
On the Action Menu, configure the system to send a message to Administrator. (Note that you can also have messages saved in the standard Application Log for Event Viewer or even automatically start logging performance to a custom logfile.) On the Schedule Tab, set the alert scan to start and stop manually by right-clicking and using the shortcut menu.
Click OK to save the Alert, then manually start the Alert Scan. After you've received a few popup messages, you can right-click to stop the Alert.
Alerts can also be configured from existing saved logfiles. Right-click on Alerts, choose "New Alert From," go to the My Documents folder and create an Alert from the saved HTML file of the "My Computer" log. Leave the default Action and Schedule. Look at the performance data by opening the saved file in System Monitor and set a maximum alert (Over) for %processor time counter.
See labs document, p. 11-13, Microsoft Monitoring Performance
Microsoft Setting Up A Monitoring Configuration
and Microsoft Determining Acceptable Performance Values
Note: to enable performance counters for logical disks on your computer, open a command prompt and enter the command diskperf -Y
[Repromote standalone servers to domain controllers] [15 min]
[Lunch Break]
5. Working with DHCP Settings [60 min]
We'll watch the DHCP training videos, create a new scope, and add reservations.
Also see
and Microsoft Technet Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol6. Working with DNS Settings [90 min]
See new class notes and exercises and
How to Configure DNS in a Workgroup Environment under W2K
DNS & Active Directory Integration
Two types of queries:
iterative: client asks server and server refers client to another authority if it doesn't have an address
recursive: server assumes full responsibility for query from cllient and makes its own iterative
queries to other servers.
1. Lab Exercise - testing DNS server
2. Managing DNS Resource Records
(See Creating Forward and Reverse Lookup Zones
See HOW TO: Create a New Zone on a DNS Server in Windows 2000
4. Enabling WINS-R resolution for reverse lookups
See also Microsoft Technet How-Tos Troubleshooting system problems [60-90 min]
Backing up Active Directory (with System State) and restoring from ADS Restore Mode.
Windows 2000 Server Online Troubleshooters (also available in Windows Help)
Accessing Microsoft Support Databases (Microsoft Knowledge Base, Microsoft TechNet Online)
Troubleshooting startup problems [Solving BOOT.INI problems]
Troubleshooting logon problems
Troubleshooting network connection problems
Troubleshooting DHCP (
Troubleshooting printer problems
Troubleshooting service dependency problems
Resolving "blue screen" stop messages
See also Technet procedures
If at all possible, review the Information on How to Use column on the Microsoft What's New in Windows 2000 Server page under the Networking section for WINS. (You don't have to read it all, but try to get some background on this topic for next class.)Checklist: Installing a WINS Server
Read Overview of Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID);EN-US;Q100110&Using RAID
Read How to Mirror the System and Boot Partitions (RAID 1) in Windows 2000;en-us;Q302969&sd=techRead HOW TO: Establish a Striped Volume (RAID 0) in Windows 2000;en-us;Q303184&sd=techRead HOW TO: Establish a Striped Volume with Parity (RAID-5) in Windows 2000;en-us;Q303237&sd=techRead about NTFS Permissions at MCMCSE.COM