Day 3 Agenda
Installing Windows 98 (90 minutes)
- For System Requirements to install Windows 98, see{B6D63EFF-0338-45CE-8B12-80D85B5C8B85}&t={505A820E-8A4A-477E-809E-5126B7347DC2}&n={A6B99DA4-343E-4A2B-9512-BCFE979532F6}&product_id={1B3E7594-4AD0-45B9-B59A-4F9617F47D3B}&element_id={7D8E00DB-79
- Windows 95, 98 and ME are sold in two editions Upgrade and Full
(For a New PC).
- The Upgrade edition can migrate a Windows 3.x computer to Windows 95, 98, or ME, or upgrade a Windows 95 computer to Windows 98.
- The For a New PC edition can upgrade a computer running DOS versions 3 to 6.x or one with an unformatted hard disk to Windows 95, 98, or ME.
- Windows 98 SE and ME are usually packaged on a bootable CD. The original version of Windows 98 is not.
Here's the entire installation story on a case-by-case basis:
a) Boot into the previous operating system. Back up data and perform necessary preinstallation steps (see web address above)Reinstallation (UPGRADE or FOR A NEW PC editions)
b) Insert Windows 98 upgrade CD and follow instructions on screen.
Note: There is a workaround that allows you to upgrade Windows 3.1, 95 or 98 with the "For a New PC" edition. Ask me about this, if you want to learn how to do it.
a) You can reinstall from within the Windows GUI:
Go to the CD, local, or network directory where the WIN98 setup files are
located in Windows Explorer and launch SETUP. The disadvantage of a reinstallation
from within the GUI is that some of the system files are locked and will
not be refreshed. If these files were corrupt or older versions, they
will not necessarily be refreshed.)
b) You can reinstall from a real mode MS-DOS session: This
method has the advantage of refreshing all of the system files in the WINDOWS
and WINDOWS\SYSTEM directories:
Shut down Windows to MS-DOS Mode or
Boot from the Windows 98 SE installation CD and choose "Boot Computer with
CD-ROM Support" or
Boot the computer from drive A with a Windows 98 Emergency Diskette (can
be either Windows 98 classic or SE disk.)
Log the DOS command prompt to the CD, local, or network directory where
the WIN98 setup files are located, enter SETUP
at the command line and press ENTER
New Installation (FOR A NEW PC Edition)
Note: You can perform a new installation with the UPGRADE edition of Windows 98 if you have the install disks from a previous version of Windows available. When prompted, you'll need to insert the manufacturer's diskette or CD for the previous version of Windows into your computer and then remove it.
a) Brand new hard disk (no partitions)
If you have a bootable Windows 98 CD, the easiest thing to do is boot from it and choose the Windows 98 Setup Wizard from the second boot menu. Enable large disk support for a single OS, FAT32 installation. Do not enable large disk support if you want a dual boot FAT 16 system compatible with other operating systems, such as Windows NT or 2000,. The installation wizard will create your partition automatically.
If you don't have a bootable Windows 98 CD, boot from a Windows 98 Emergency Diskette. Run FDISK to create a partition for Windows 98. (Choose large support for single OS, FAT32, don't enable large support if you want to install more than one OS on the disk.) Be sure that the partition you create is set as the Active Boot partition.
After you run FDISK, the computer must reboot. Enter FORMAT C: at the command line (omit the /S parameter. Windows 98 will make the disk bootable for you .)
Without rebooting the computer, go to the CD-ROM drive or other location for the \WIN98 installation files. Enter SETUP at the command prompt and press ENTER.b) Hard disk with existing FAT32 partition, single OS
If you wish to keep your data, don't reformat the partition. If you wish to wipe the partition clean, format drive c.
Go to the directory that has the WIN98 installation files, enter SETUP at the command prompt and press ENTER.You can access an existing FAT16 or FAT32 partition either by booting from a Win98 installation CD or by booting from a Win98 Emergency floppy diskette.
c) Hard disk with existing FAT32 partition, prepare for dual boot with NT or other OS.
You will need to back up the data you wish to save and repartition the drive as FAT16 or
Purchase a third-party partition conversion program such as Powerquest's Partition Magic.d) Hard disk with existing FAT16 partition, single OS installation
See b). Go to the Win98 installation directory and run SETUP. You will have the option after Windows 98 is installed of converting the FAT16 partition to FAT32.e) hard disk with existing FAT16 partition, dual boot installation.
If you have room on the disk for another partition, follow procedure d) on the first partition and create a new partition for the new OS. If the existing FAT16 partition is too large, you'll need to back up data and start over or use a third party utility like Partition Magic to shrink the size of the drive.
See Lab Exercise 2: Preparing a new hard disk for Windows 98 Installation
We will practice installing Windows 98 at the computers on the side of the room.
On some computers we will install from a WIN98 directory on drive C. On others, we will reformat or create a new partition and install from the Win98 CD. [60 minutes]
Review MS Setup switches (10 min)
Review MSDOS.SYS startup options (10 min)
Introduction to Networking. See Using a Windows 98 Network, Class notes (Win1A.DOC), page 12 (60 min)
Lab Exercise 5: Using the Network
Homework: Read class notes, p. 15-17 on configuring Win98 network settings. Review Lab Exercise 6 in the WINLAB.DOC handout (p. 10) and read networking chapters online at